Pierce * is a very important Skill for this build. This is extremely important for this build, as it increases our chance to cause multiple explosions with Exploding Arrow, and immolation arrow. Penetrate * adds a large amount of Attack Rating to the Character, increasing the Chance to Hit enemies. Note: The Item-stat +x to xx Fire Damage drastically increases the explosion damage of exploding arrow and immolation arrow. So her ability to dodge, avoid, and evade really shine! More than 50% of incoming attacks are completely avoided! They have a hard time capping their Resistances. You see this general theme in Bow-builds. While the offense of the Fire Bowazon is fairly strong, this comes at the cost of your survivability. This charm opens up many farming spots, including most areas that can become a Terror Zone. The Fire Bowazon becomes much more versatile with the addition of Flame Rift in Patch 2.5. The combination of Exploding Arrow / Immolation Arrow and Pierce create a chain of explosions when hitting large clusters of enemies, turning them to a pile of ashes!

While she turns monsters into ice cubes, this build uses explosions and burning ground to melt the demons from Hell! The Exploding Arrow Amazon, also known as Fire Bowazon, is the Fire counterpart to the Freezing Arrow Amazon.